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 Core ReConnection is a guide for navigating the chaos in life

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 our vision

Truth is self-experienced knowledge.
Welcome to the Core ReConnection School - a series of courses for the Core ReConnection Training System.  
We fully believe that truth is self-experienced knowledge, it is the gift we receive from life when we live our lives in the “all In” position.   We’ve created this series of experiences, courses to serve as a reboot to the mindsets you may currently be using and to help you reset your personal operating system.
This can begin with the realization that the events which occur in your inner and outer worlds are actually an opportunity to learn, grow and evolve.
Each of us is a powerful being of light. We are the architects of our journey through the classrooms of life. Through the exercise of choice, we are meant to discover who we are, where we belong, with whom we truly resonate, and what brings meaning and purpose to our lives.
We choose the location within our being where we experience life and how we express ourselves; some of us choose to be in our hearts, some choose to be in their heads, and some in their bodies.
the Human Race is at the end of an era.
The Core Reconnection System teaches you to choose to live from your natural, internal control panel, the Core.
The human race is at the end of an era I refer to as The Era of the Patriarchy. The mindset of that developmental period was grounded in our individuality and the notion that our being needed to be separate from others.
The forces of individuality and separation was the goal. A long period of a collective intention of ME-ME-ME was generated by competition, domination, acquisition, false ideas of independence and distortions of taking, getting ahead, making IT happen or keeping IT from happening. 
All of this has generated destruction in every aspect of what we have depended upon. And so we are seeing destruction of the planet, profit at the expense of family, community, human decency, and the treating of our bodies as if they were machines which serve our minds as equipment instead of as heart-beating humans. 
You and I.  It's us.
Core ReConnection provides a new mindset for partnership within you, partnership with the inter-connected, inter-dependent, and inter-relating universe through an operating system at your Core.
As a member of the human species, we are collectively co-creating a new reality; creativity, collaboration, cooperation, and interactive participation as a part of the tribe and global community where we seek mutual safety, security, sharing, inclusion, and mutual stability.
These are the principles of our feminine nature.  You and I.  It’s us.
ReConnecting is the goal of this entire system; reconnecting to your Core, reconnecting to nature as your home, reconnecting in partnership with the Divine through your spirit, and reconnecting by relating with the family of humanity.
If this speaks to your human spirit, join us in learning the skillsets that will fulfill your human nature and confirm the realization of all that is possible for your human spirit. 

join the learning at
Core ReConnection!

the courses we offer need to be taken in sequential order beginning with Intro to Core ReConnection.
once you have taken the intro course,
the order is as follows:

our teachers


As a navigator for one’s life journey, I have been trained in many disciplines and modalities which allow me to fully assist you with the skill sets for learning “How to maximize being You” and construct the life you truly want. 

I am a Psychologist/Psychotherapist; a Certified Bioenergetics Analyst and I practice seven modalities in my psychotherapy work. 
I’m also a Certified Resonance Re-patterning Practitioner at Levels I and II, and I’ve been trained in Energy Medicine, the fundamentals of Five Element Theory in Chinese Medicine and in six body-work healing systems.
My life’s work has taken me across the globe working with groups and individuals, just like you, where I have provided the healing, wisdom and the teachings necessary to awaken and realize your inner life.
I invite you to come join me!


I am a proud Dominican, born and raised in Brooklyn, East New York. I’m one of nine kids. Seven brothers and one sister. I’m number seven. Lucky seven. The streets taught me a lot and prepared me for life.

I enjoy listening to people and helping them find their truth. I approach everyone with a zero-judgment mentality.

I have a BFA in Multimedia and Performing Arts from City University of New York - Herbert H. Lehman College. I’m an ordained Reverend, through the One Spirit Learning Alliance in NYC where I trained in world religions.
I practice an Interfaith/Interspiritual Ministry. A marriage of spirituality and creativity is my calling. My spiritual path is a harmonious blend of religious practices, all of which I bring to my teaching and healing work;
Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Santeria, Wicca, and the realization of cosmic dimensions of Truth opened by my ancestral lines. 
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