frequently asked questions

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1. What will Core ReConnection (CR) do for me?
CR connects you to your parasympathetic nervous system: to provide a release from tension; 
supports relaxation; improves sleep; assists in slowing down your mind and shifts your focus
into your sensory brain, increasing creativity, and moving you from procrastination into activity.

2. Where do I begin?

Follow the dropdown menu order under the about  section above.
The start your Journey here  page will give you clear choices to guide you in making that decision.

3. Why do you say 'Allow the breath to fill' rather than saying 'take a deep breath' ?
Allowing your body to be filled triggers our ability to receive what we need. Taking a breath
tells the brain to go to work to get what we do not effortlessly already have.

4. Why do you say the human spirit lives behind the navel in the Core
and not in other areas of the body or head?
The intersection of all aspects of the entire being lies within the 'gut-brain' 
which is also the point of alignment of the heart, soul, and intuition we call the Core.

5. What's with the non-traditional capitalization and colors?
Brain technology! Each page, button, color, sound, and element of this site
was chosen based on the visual and kinesthetic impact on the sensual brain.
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