Master Life Coaching I
What would help you move forward in Life? Career? Family? Friends? Soulmate? Your Place in Life?
Reverend Moises R. Belizario
1st session, 2 hours$300
What Is a Master Life Coach?
Life has given each of us a Master Blueprint which provides us with endless possibilities. Understanding what we are to contribute is an essential beginning.
This blueprint is written in the eternal language of light and energy. All of Nature and all living creatures speak this language.
I am fortunate to have received the ability to hear and decipher this language. It is my sacred honor to share this gift with my clients as we translate your blueprint, work with your lifelines with your Master Blueprint as our guide.
In just a few sessions, we will decode your personal and professional flow. From the Blueprint, we can remove the blocks to hearing its echo’s and establish pathways to flow in harmony with what you are meant to more fully express.
We start with meet and greet.
Then we have a two-hour assessment.
I look forward to meeting you!
I’m interested in what could help you move forward in your life, make you a happier and more fulfilled individual. These are areas where I find most people are looking for guidance and light:
Career: Is it time to find a new job? Would you like to redefine yourself in the workforce?
Education: Do you need more training, new training, would you like to transition from one kind of work to another? Study a passion you never had the confidence to pursue?
Family: How is yours? Do you love them, hate being around them? Wish there was better communication? Or, no communication? Is there someone in your family who makes it hard for you to breathe when they’re around?
Friends: A good friend is rare. Do you have one? Would you like to have more? Is it hard for you to make plans and keep them?
Business Partner: Serious business going into business with another person. Are you ready? Have you figured out each of your strong and less strong points, where you intersect, where you can work with your differences towards a successful venture? Do you need a third person to help you learn how to communicate more effectively?
Soulmate: do you believe one is out there for you? Then let's figure out how to find him/her/they!
Loved Ones: having trouble letting others know how much you care and appreciate them? Is it hard for you to be loved? Let's dig in and figure it out.
Your place in Life: Are you at the beginning of something new? The end of something old? Ready for a new chapter? Struggling with a chapter you want to make work?
Education: Do you need more training, new training, would you like to transition from one kind of work to another? Study a passion you never had the confidence to pursue?
Family: How is yours? Do you love them, hate being around them? Wish there was better communication? Or, no communication? Is there someone in your family who makes it hard for you to breathe when they’re around?
Friends: A good friend is rare. Do you have one? Would you like to have more? Is it hard for you to make plans and keep them?
Business Partner: Serious business going into business with another person. Are you ready? Have you figured out each of your strong and less strong points, where you intersect, where you can work with your differences towards a successful venture? Do you need a third person to help you learn how to communicate more effectively?
Soulmate: do you believe one is out there for you? Then let's figure out how to find him/her/they!
Loved Ones: having trouble letting others know how much you care and appreciate them? Is it hard for you to be loved? Let's dig in and figure it out.
Your place in Life: Are you at the beginning of something new? The end of something old? Ready for a new chapter? Struggling with a chapter you want to make work?
Reverend Moises R. Belizario
I am a proud Dominican, born and raised in Brooklyn, East New York.
I’m one of nine kids. Seven brothers and one sister, I’m number seven.
I’m one of nine kids. Seven brothers and one sister, I’m number seven.
Lucky seven.
The streets taught me a lot and prepared me for life.
I enjoy listening to people and helping them find their truth.
I approach everyone with a zero-judgment mentality.
I approach everyone with a zero-judgment mentality.
I have a BFA in Multimedia and Performing Arts from City University of New York -
Herbert H. Lehman College. I’m an ordained Reverend, through the
Herbert H. Lehman College. I’m an ordained Reverend, through the
One Spirit Learning Alliance in NYC where I trained in world religions.
I practice an Interfaith/Interspiritual Ministry. A marriage of spirituality and creativity is my calling.
I found my spiritual path in a harmonious blend of religious practices,
all of which I bring to my teaching and healing work;
all of which I bring to my teaching and healing work;
Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Santeria, Wicca, and
the realization of Cosmic Dimensions of Truth opened by my Ancestral lines.

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