Empty space, drag to resize
begin to ReConnect
Empty space, drag to resize
silently state the following:

"I Allow the Breath of Life
and the Light of my human Spirit 
to fill every cell of the body
my Ancestors prepared for me

I Allow sensations of Aliveness
to flood through my Awareness
anchoring my attention in the Now

I receive the courage to Begin my new life
I Feel all of who I am Awakening
this is the footprint of my New Beginning

my eyes See what I am a part of...
my ears Hear the surrounding life...

my nose Smells the fragrances of this moment...
the Breath of Life continues to Fill me...
Again and Again and Again"
Empty space, drag to resize
your Authentic Self Lives in your Core
Empty space, drag to resize

the Core

the Light of your human Spirit
slipped into the Glove of your Human Body
to fill every cell with Light
to free the DNA of your Ancestors
to Awaken your senses
to receive the Consciousness of your eternal Soul

a unique individual lives within this location
like the Lighthouse in the harbor 
surrounded by the earth
your Core beckons you Home

you have come to Experience Life
all you are a part of in a Divine Partnership with your Spirit
you ARE what you have come to earth to Be

join the surrounding world of Nature
as a member of the Human Race
join the Collective as the Legacy of your Clans
to Share their Light and yours with the World
you are the Gift you have come to contribute
Develop, Mature, Evolve

your Core is the Path
to Magic, Wonder and Unlimited Possibilities
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize

living from the Core

Empty space, drag to resize
Truth is Self-Experienced Knowledge
if can not be given from one person to another
Truth is the Gift we receive when we live by
what we have learned from our experiences
living from our Experienced Knowledge,
Truth embodies Knowing
and Universal Truths of Life are revealed
living from your Embodied Truth
Opens your eternal Core
and Realizes Life's most precious Gifts
Wisdom, Freedom, and Peace
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
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