Sarah Janene Sneider

Self Love

Your greatest gift in the material world is Your Body

The first responsibility of your Soul and Human Spirit
Is to love that Body with all your Heart and Mind
Only You Make the Choices for Care of that Gift

Your Ancestors on both sides of your clan
Spent eons developing all the attributes, capacities, predispositions,
talents, powers and potentials within your DNA
Receive then with Gratitude
Activate them with conscious acknowledgment
Enjoy the pleasure that all of those unique aspects provide.

Self-Love begins with the attention and care of the Body
Self-Love unfolds with unconditional Acceptance
Self-Love is fully activated by our Intention to Care and make Conscious Choices
Self-Love is expressed through our Actions about and for The Care of Your Body and Heart
And the Partnership you establish with Your Soul
These are the keys to unlock the Power of your Human Spirit

You have a Right to be the Best version of your Inheritance
But only you can make that Choice
You have a Right to experience all the external World
But only you can Choose them
You have a Right to Realize your Human Potential
But only you can do that

The Beginning occurs with the Decision to
Unconditionally Care for your Well-Being

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