Sarah Janene Sneider

Respect for Separateness

Creed for Relating with Others

“I recognize that, like me, you have come into your Life to learn, develop, mature and evolve in your understanding of yourself and All that we are a part of.
You Have a Right to Be You - exactly the way you are at any given moment.
I Have a Right to Be Me - exactly the way I am at any given moment.
I have realized that I am responsible for my needs, feelings and desires. 
I agree to share myself Authentically and yo agree to share your Authentic Self
My needs are an ever-changing product of how well I care for them.
My feelings are a product of all that has happened throughout my life. 
My desires originate in my body, heart, mind and soul; my desires are my responsibility. 
I have a responsibility to express my authentic needs, feelings and desires through
Communication and my behavior within the boundaries of our agreements to relate.
You are not responsible for how I feel.
You are not responsible to take care of my feelings unless you agree to do so.
You are not responsible to fulfill my desires about you.
You are not responsible to manage my responses to you.
You are not obligated to do, or say, or be anything other than your Authentic Self.
I am here to provide and receive the Pleasure of You and You Me.
50% of this relationship is for You and 50% is for Me
I agree to make sure you get your half and you agree to ensure that I get my half.
I agree to be positive and kind and I ask that you agree to be positive and kind to me.
The rest of relating is an exploration and collaboration of Who and What we are Together.
I agree to share my experiencing with you, about you and about me for Pleasure and Growth.
Nothing Less and Nothing More.

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