Sarah Janene Sneider


The Journey to Wholeness
Living from the Core to learn and grow.

Finding and reuniting all your bits can be difficult, stressful,
and relentless.
Your personal bits may get exhausted.

Surrender them as an offering to the Universal Divine.
Imagine placing them on the Altar of the Universe to receive
more Light.

Ask for Help.

“Accept what you cannot Change,
Change what you Can,
and Ask for Wisdom to know the Difference.”

“I totally accept the present challenging situation free of resistance, regret,
resentment, fear, self-pity, grief, anger, or negative judgments.”

Surrender your Will, your intentions, even your plans, goals, and dreams
to the Divine Blueprint within your Core
place them in the Lighted Altar.

“Thy Will Be Done through me, for me, and for those I love.”

Thy Will Be Done to restore me, align me, free me
and bring balance to this situation.”

“I step forward, one step at a time, one day at a time,
into the Dreamed of Divine Plan for my Life.”

this challenge offers me in this moment of my Journey.”

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