Power School 102

"preparing for your Contribution to the World"
  • Janene Sneider
  • 90 minute class/8 sessions
  • Course dates TBA.
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about this course

Power School 102

a skillset for Creating a World called Us
This course was created as a "Take 2" for Relating 101,
in a world of others.
Who am I? Where do I belong? Who am I supposed to be with? And when they arrive, how do I do it better?
this will be covered in this 8-class series.

Power School 102

People fall into two categories; self-centered and other-centered. This class rebalances you so that each of us can manage both as partners in consciousness. You are 100% responsible for what happens on your side of the net and I am 100% responsible for what happens on my side of the net as we co-create a dynamic, fun, meaningful experience called “You and Me.”

You may start this course living inside your footprint of projected roles and responsibilities for Self and Others.  You'll finish with an understanding of how to fully participate in a center that includes both you and another for sharing, exchange, support and enlightenment.

Power School 102
Course Lessons

Janene Sneider

As a navigator for one’s life journey, I have been trained in many disciplines and modalities
which allow me to fully assist you with the skill sets for learning “how to maximize being You”
and construct the life you truly want.  

I am a Psychologist; a Certified Bioenergetics Analyst and I practice seven modalities in my psychotherapy work. 
I’m also a Certified Resonance Re-patterning Practitioner at Levels I and II,
and I’ve been trained in Energy Medicine, the fundamentals of Five Element Theory in Chinese Medicine,
and in six body-work healing systems. 

My life’s work has taken me across the globe working with groups and individuals,
just like you, where I have provided the healing, wisdom, and the teachings necessary
to awaken your inner life. 
I invite you to come join me! 
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