what we mean when we say...
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Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
you’re experiencing it,
or you’re not.
you notice this.
or you’re not.
you notice this.
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a sensory experience
that occurs within your
sensory gut brain
when your
makes contact with
the energetic presence
of any aspect of Life
that occurs within your
sensory gut brain
when your
makes contact with
the energetic presence
of any aspect of Life
Empty space, drag to resize
you discover who and where you are
in this journey of being yourself
in this journey of being yourself
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occurs when our individual choice
is to Align with the laws of nature
and the laws of the Universe
when every cell in your body
Releases any blocks
that would interrupt the
Universal energy
you desire
is to Align with the laws of nature
and the laws of the Universe
when every cell in your body
Releases any blocks
that would interrupt the
Universal energy
you desire
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
the big gift
learning and decoding life
through Experience
is how you grow
'as life fills me up,
I have me and I can have you too'
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finding Resonant and consistent Order
within my Core self
within my Core self
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Empty space, drag to resize
your Core is the Authority for your life,
the dynamic hub
where all the sensations (generated from contact)
gather to join all that you know (from experience)
and download
from your brain and
central nervous system
some call it the 'gut brain'
we call it:
your Authentic, True, Essential Self -
where human Nature and the human Spirit
Embrace in partnership with the Universe
and decisions reside within
your Core, like the control panel on your devices,
is your 'Zone of Authentic Connection'
is your 'Zone of Authentic Connection'
the dynamic hub
where all the sensations (generated from contact)
gather to join all that you know (from experience)
and download
from your brain and
central nervous system
some call it the 'gut brain'
we call it:
your Authentic, True, Essential Self -
where human Nature and the human Spirit
Embrace in partnership with the Universe
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
an energetic tool for contact and connection with any and all aspects of Life
when consciousness makes contact,
it produces an Awareness of that part of Life
'graphic design for Expansion
and Contraction and Contact'
when consciousness makes contact,
it produces an Awareness of that part of Life
'graphic design for Expansion
and Contraction and Contact'
like a ballon, Consciousness does 3 things:
◉ Expands ◉
◉ Contracts ◉
◉ Provides Sensations ◉
- of everything it comes in contact with -
Consciousness is a tool for Awareness
Consciousness 'Experiences' the Universe
◉ Contracts ◉
◉ Provides Sensations ◉
- of everything it comes in contact with -
Consciousness is a tool for Awareness
Consciousness 'Experiences' the Universe
Consciousness is either Awake or Asleep -
are you 'Woke' or Not?
are you 'Woke' or Not?
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Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
the collective body of
personal awareness
accumulated over time
from experience and
examined information
personal awareness
accumulated over time
from experience and
examined information
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the Container and impersonal
Consciousness of All
Consciousness of All
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some call it:
God, Allah,
Adonai, the Tao, Jah,
Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord,
Emmanuel, Creator, Akua, Elah,
Elohim, el Elyon, Yeshua, Kurios,
Source, Theos, Kami
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you live in partnership with Life
from your Core
Life is a container
filled with All Energetic Existence
- always in a state of Movement -
changing and becoming
from your Core
Life is a container
filled with All Energetic Existence
- always in a state of Movement -
changing and becoming
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what is intended by you (using imagineering)
to show up in your experience
to show up in your experience
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creating a pathway
for whatever you desire
a new job
for whatever you desire
a new job
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this is always done in partnership
with the Universal plan
with the Universal plan
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Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
this is our primary job:
in partnership with the Universe,
we receive from the surrounding Universe
Life does the work to fill you
with the ‘breath of life’
rather than you having to work
to take a breath
Allowing with intention and with no agenda
in partnership with the Universe,
we receive from the surrounding Universe
Life does the work to fill you
with the ‘breath of life’
rather than you having to work
to take a breath
Allowing with intention and with no agenda
Receiving the breath of life
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Empty space, drag to resize
noticing I am me
and noticing you are not me
and noticing you are not me
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acknowledging and noticing
an intentional exchange is happening
an intentional exchange is happening
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Empty space, drag to resize
self-Experienced Knowledge that is automatically stored in your Core
“Truth is self-experienced knowledge which cannot be given from one person to another; Truth is the gift we receive from repeated application of information and knowledge of the inherent Universal aspects of eternal life.”
- Janene Sneider
Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
giving back to the Universe
what is no longer needed for
growth or learning
Letting Go
is the process of returning to the Universe
what you no longer need in order to evolve
what is no longer needed for
growth or learning
Letting Go
is the process of returning to the Universe
what you no longer need in order to evolve
Empty space, drag to resize
the universe
everything that was - before there was you everything that isn’t you now
everything that will be - when you’re not here
All of Life begins as Energy
which can be experienced at all times
everything that will be - when you’re not here
all refers to Energy
and every form of life
that has and has not yet formed
and every form of life
that has and has not yet formed
there is only Moving Stuff in the Universe
there is nothing that is not moving
there is nothing that is not moving
the Universe
is a Container Full of Everything
is a Container Full of Everything
All of Life participates in an
(even if part doesn't experience it consciously)
(even if part doesn't experience it consciously)
All of Life begins as Energy
which can be experienced at all times
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Empty space, drag to resize
universal laws
...govern All Energy within
the Container and Consciousness
we call Life
the Container and Consciousness
we call Life
in balanced pairs
in balanced pairs
both halves
form a circle and
all the circles
move into the next circle,
form a circle and
all the circles
move into the next circle,
all components within the whole Life
contain all the components within Themselves
we are made in the Image of the Divine
contain all the components within Themselves
we are made in the Image of the Divine
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Empty space, drag to resize
a dynamic process through your gut brain
in response to a need, task, or intention -
to experience a given set of desires or criteria in the surrounding world
in response to a need, task, or intention -
to experience a given set of desires or criteria in the surrounding world
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creative intention
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the prime objective
of your Core Blueprint
of your Core Blueprint
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Empty space, drag to resize
a lack of; a clash or tension
between energies
lack of alignment
between energies
lack of alignment
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Empty space, drag to resize
a dynamic activity of interaction
within your core
with the surrounding world
within your core
with the surrounding world
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Empty space, drag to resize
an experience of contact
activating a realization of
what works for your Core!
activating a realization of
what works for your Core!
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Empty space, drag to resize
Empty space, drag to resize
intentional use of your imagination
as a tool for manifesting
your 'dreamed of' life
through conscious acts of:
visualizing, feeling, smelling,
and the sensations of its presence
it has color, movement, and life
as if it already has manifested
it’s like placing your order
with the Universe
as a tool for manifesting
your 'dreamed of' life
through conscious acts of:
visualizing, feeling, smelling,
and the sensations of its presence
it has color, movement, and life
as if it already has manifested
it’s like placing your order
with the Universe
Empty space, drag to resize

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Janene Sneider once a month, on the 1st Sunday of the month, for Morning Coffee & Croissant. We'll send you a Zoom link to remind you.
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"Core ReConnection intends to return you to your authentic human and spiritual identity.
Along this journey, every single page, blog, course, and product has been intentionally designed-
to free you to be all that you are."
Along this journey, every single page, blog, course, and product has been intentionally designed-
to free you to be all that you are."
-Janene Sneider
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