Sarah Janene Sneider

Manifesting My Job

How Do I Get My Job?
Manifesting begins as an Internal Process.
"Your Job" is meant to keep you connected to yourself,
And to your dreamed of life.
Like any meaningful practice, let it fill you with Happy Feelings 
In your Real job, you'll unpack learning, growing,
And a sense of purpose 
So -  What Do You Really Want and Need to be Doing?
Do you have the knowledge and Experience to Do It? 
If Yes - Send Out a “Purchase Order” to the Unlimited Universe. 
Imagine Doing it
Imagine getting paid to Do It
 Imagine finishing a project and Doing it 
Internally, State the following:  
Life through me and my Choices brings me my Place in the World 
If No was your answer:
How can you begin to get the knowledge?
3 ways: 

1. doing aspects of it
2. learning from others who do it 
3. creating a pathway to gain experience and knowledge

Imagine Receiving Contact with your Dreamed-of Job      
Imagine Receiving Guidance from the Universe about it      
Imagine Life presenting it through something you hear, see or encounter      
Imagine Receiving the Opportunity to Learn through experience      
Imagine Doing aspects of the Dreamed-of Job 

Do this exercise 10x a day for 21 days.
Yes, 10x a day!
You're creating the new Pathway to beginning your new job.
What is Truly Your Job in the World already Belongs to You.
This is how it Always Happens. 
The Manifestation has already begun
Miracles are afoot!

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