
What Our Clients Have to Say

“Janene's deep understanding of the divinity that longs to be revealed and seen in every living being is one of her greatest gifts, along with her communication of eternal truths. For me, meeting Janene was like entering the cool forest at dawn; you are drawn into the sacredness of the environment and her voice is like the birdsong that thrills the spine and awakens you to the fact that you, in that moment, are truly alive. Her commitment to her own highest purpose calls you to embark on the deepest voyage within yourself, to strip away all you have believed that is false.”
Dana Abraham
“As you sacrifice and experience the death of your old self, you become reborn to the truth you have been avoiding so you can be set free to finally, really begin to live. Janene patiently, compassionately, and relentlessly calls you to that sacrifice and helps you unfold the person you have been longing to be that has been tucked away in your heart. With Janene, the wounds close, leaving no scars, just infinite peace and joy and a life filled with transformative love.”
Donna Brittingham
“I first met Janene in 1986, when she helped me navigate a very dark period of my life. She released me as a healthy whole being in 1998, when I was pregnant with my second child. Janene brings total honesty (very hard to hear sometimes), depth, empathy, and clarity in her approach.If you are truly looking to get your life in order, she is the person you want to work with.Over the years I have known her, I’ve done drop-in sessions when needed. She has been a lifesaver for me; always offering the most compassionate ear and best advice with grace and patience.”
Roxanne Artesona
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