Boundaries Are Essential

Imagine a raging river with no banks
Flooding in all directions
With no edges in sight
Emotional Reactions have the Power 
To Take Over our Lives
Grabbing hold of your No and use it
Yes to Containing the flood
No to anything that is destructive
Yes to Choosing what will work better for you
No to reacting and acting out your feelings
Yes to Receiving the calming of the Breath of Life
No to Fast and Impulsive
Yes to Observing and climbing back into our Bodies
These are the boundaries our emotions Need
No to anything that threatens
Yes to everything that informs and helps us grow
No to negative thoughts and negative language
Yes to support comfort and encouragement
No to criticism of Self or others
Yes to moving away from the controls of the past
No to staying where you do not belong
Imagine the Banks of the River as you bring your
Emotions back into the rhythm of your Heart and Body 
Returning to You - All of You
Find your Feet, Legs and Belly
Climb into them as you Breath
Now imagine them moving you Forward
With the Boundaries of your Edges
Inside your Body

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