Sarah Janene Sneider

Go Find Your Crying Bits

Daily Life is a Journey toward Wholeness.

Core ReConnection calls it having all your bits in alignment with your Divine Plan.

When our equipment gets separated from the Core
When we don’t include our body, heart, mind, soul and Spirit
When one of our vehicles of experience and expression get hurt
When we had a plan for ourselves and it didn’t work
When we get lost and can’t find our way back home

That bit or those bits are our true Selves. CRY OUT!
Our bits, just like babies, communicate through sound energy
They reverberate within our bodies (emotional, mental, soul, and physical bodies)
The Crying generates a disturbance in our internal landscape

Go find which part of you is Crying

We cry out when we feel abandoned, wounded, misunderstood, trapped; when our spirit is imprisoned in shoulds and musts and oughts. When our mind
Attempts to ‘make it happen’ or ‘keep it from happening’ because our survival depends on
some external “have to”. We cry out when nothing seems to work.

Imagine Turning on the “Light” inside your Body - Bright and Shining.
Invite the criers home to the Light.
Ask them why they are Crying out to your Human Spirit so loudly.

Listen to your bits

Let the Light within you hear them, comfort and soothe them.
Imagine a Lighted Strong Father and Mother Spirit to hold them and hug them
and Hug you as you Imagine them.

Return all your Bits to the Universal Divine Mother and Father
Ask for Help in Soothing your Bits, reuniting your bits, and ReConnecting you to the next
positive step in resolving whatever needs to be resolved.  Repeat.

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