Sarah Janene Sneider

Relating With The Universe

Did you get the Sun up this Morning?
How about the Moon?
Are You Rotating the Earth on its Axis?

The Universe has been doing its perpetual motion
since the Beginning

It is Alive
Its Language is Motion
Moving in patterns and cycles
Organized Grouping around our Sun
Our Galaxy rotating and relating with other Galaxies

You are a cell in the Body of All that Is
You are Moving
You have patterns and stages of development
Cycles of Maturation
Evolving through Realization throughout Eternity

Connection between the Cell and the Universe
Is Possible

Do You talk with the Universe?
Do You Feel Grateful for all that has been provided?
Do You Acknowledge all that you are a part of as Life?

“I live and move and have my Being 
in an inter-connected, inter-dependent and inter-related
Universe. I receive and contribute to Life by Being my Self.”

Consider that Life - all that is and has always been -
acknowledges your existence.
Life feels you, sees you, hears you
and will respond to you,
Exactly like the Body responds to the needs of its cells.
Love the Universe and The Universe will love you in return!

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