Sarah Janene Sneider

Relationship With Your Authentic Self

You are a multi-level, multi-dimensional Being of Light
Living in the physical body developed for you by your Ancestors

And you are a member of the animal species called Homo Sapien 

You have an Astral body to experience and express your human animal emotions
Full of feelings, beliefs, desires about the material, external world

You have a Mental Body to experience and express your human intelligence, 
Full of thoughts, concepts, mores of the culture where you developed and all
The thoughts of others you have ever heard, seen, and witnessed through senses.

You have an Eternal Soul which is the student of life within you, which is like a library
Of everything you have ever learned as you journeyed through eternal life

You have a Personality (low and high Causal Body) which serves as a container of expression for all that you need to share

You have a Human Spirit - the unique spark of universal, divine life 

And you have a Consciousness which serves as a Container through which you make contact,
Connect and experience all aspects of life you willingly receive through your Sensory Brain.

You are all of That and you are not the feelings, beliefs, thoughts, ideas or concepts that flow
Through your various vehicles of Experience and Expression.

You use those Bodys and Parts to Learn, Grow and Evolve through experiencing the Energy of Life, but You are not those vehicles or bodies. 

You are the pilgrim on the path for Realization of All of It. 

Your Consciousness (Conscious Awareness and Intention) through your Choices 
are the Co-Creator of All that you call Real. 

You are the Path you are taking through Life to Real-Ize Who, What and How you Are

Twenty-four hours, seven days a week, the All of You is your responsibility. 

Choose Well for You by filling your Being full and You will have Well-Being, Love and Loving. 
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