Sarah Janene Sneider

Why Isn't It Working?

When you have done all you can think of to do
When you have talked the crises to death with your support system
When you have hit walls, after obstacles, after falling apart agains

Guess What?

It isn’t about You making mistakes or not being good enough or even being Wrong

It Always means you haven’t identified the lesson these experiences are providing

It is Always how you are approaching the problem and thinking about its resolution
Has limitations or lacks creativity or the invitation to let go has not been heeded

Your Soul and Consciousness have designed this Problem as a Gift
Unwrap It
Is it time to leave? And a new life is calling your name?
Do you need to say No to what doesn’t work in order to say Yes to a new possibility?
Have you already learned all you can learn where you are and it is time to Begin Again?

This section may be helpful, Try it!
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