I Feel Hopeless

This is the Mantra of the Separated State​
Allow the light to fill your Heart
Source of Aliveness is not external
Source of Sensation is not external 
Head Expects and As If’s, and focuses on
“Make It Happen” or “Keep it from Happening” 
Receiving, Allowing, Partnering with Life to Attract
Manifest through your Creative Intentions
Connected to our Power of Choice 
Our Core Identity is far too busy Feeling Alive and
Creating Experiences through Choice
Filling our bodies and souls with Joy
Growing and Learning in the Classrooms of Life
What is Yours is already Yours
What is Not is Not 
What you Choose to Accept and Allow 
Fills your Heart and Body with Sensations ​
The Joy of Being Alive
Now Laugh out loud from your Belly
And Start Again

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