Sarah Janene Sneider

I Feel Lost

Half the work is already done!
Being Found only happens in two places
Your Core and
Your Spirit 
You cannot find yourSelf out There in the world
You cannot find yourSelf in a relationship
You cannot find yourSelf in the past or in the future
You Don’t Live There except in your Head 
Allow Life to Fill You with the Breath of Life
Climb down your spine into your Body
Search for the Light in your Belly 
This is a place where You - the Real You -
The Core Identity of You lives
Always and in all ways 
Keep looking with your Feelings
Let the tears flow down
Keep looking from your Heart
Wail your disappointment, anger and fear​
Keep going​
Keep releasing the self-pity, shame and fear 
Sit in the Light filled with the Breath of Life 
Begin Again.

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