Sarah Janene Sneider

Return to Spirit

You did not get the sun up this morning
You did not fill your lungs with the precious Breath of Life
You did not grow most of the food the Earth provides
You did not make the water that quenches your thirst

The Spirit of Life within all living things did that!

Nature Did That
Not science
Not medicine
Not technology
Not money or commerce or transportation
Not your devices, family, friends, or people

“I live and have my Being and humanness in an ever-changing,
ever-moving inter-connected, inter-dependent,
inter-relating container of Life which provides for all my needs."

What you Need is found within Nature
and within the Living Universe.

“I Receive this opportunity to learn and grow
and evolve with Gratitude.”

“I Am a Part of Life in every moment of thought, feeling,
and action within All that there IS.”

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