Sarah Janene Sneider

Relationship With Others

Relating is like a Tennis Match
The Two of Us have Arrived here Together
To Share
Like a Tennis Match
I send my Authenticity across the space between to You
You Receive and Respond from your Authenticity
I experience contact with your energy 
You feel me
You hear you and I feel heard
You see you and I feel seen
You smell me and I feel received
My heart opens to receive and like you back
You send your Authenticity across the space between to Me
I Receive and Respond from my Core Self
I experience your energy
I feel you
I hear you
I see you
I smell you and you feel received
We have made contact
We feel a connection
We feel less Alone
We Explore all the feelings we experience 
About one another - what will we call one another
My friend
My colleague
My comrade on the Path
My Body responds in sensual ways
Maybe my Special One for Physical Pleasure
Perhaps My Lover
My Partner
My Mate
We Bring One Another Comfort, Pleasure and Union

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