Sarah Janene Sneider

Why Is It So Hard?

Laugh Out Loud for no reason!
You Got Separated from the Flow!
Imagine jumping into the River of Life
Flowing just in front of You
You climb out of the flow
Maybe you listened to fear, 
lack of belief, negative thoughts
Maybe you returned to a time in the past
Or got caught up in the imaginings for
A future you do not yet have
Now is the place of Flow
Jump into the River Now
Tell yourself the Truth
State and Connect with what you Need
Trust that wherever you find yourself
You have only one task to accomplish
What are you here to learn about yourself
Trusting the Universe - Mother-Father Life
Is Always there to helpJ
ump into the River
Again and Again and Again
Always in the River of Life
You will find that Hard begins to unfold into Next
Shine radiantly like the unique spark of Life 
This is Who you Are
Floating in the River of Life
Moving toward your Highest Good
With Life doing all the Work with You
Receive your Freedom as a glorious Gift
If this didn’t yet work - Repeat Repeat Repeat

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